17 Jägerbombs ‘n’ Shots Perfect for Converting Jäger Haters
Yeah, we know that Jägermeister, and Jägerbombs and shots in particular, are normally associated with a certain kind of crowd — bros who do this kind of crazy sh*t on spring break, we're looking at you. But it is our sincerest belief that Jäger cocktails are delicious enough to please any type of drinker out there, which is why we've put together this list of 17 Jäger shots and bombs that will convert even the most staunch Jäger haters to the dark side.
1. Redheaded Slut Shots
With a simple yet super tasty mix of cranberry juice, Peach Schnapps, and Jägermeister, these Redheaded Slut Shots are guaranteed to win over some Jäger-averse folks.
See recipe.
2. The 5 Star General Shot
Report for Jäger duty, people! 'Cause these 5 Star General Shots — which add in Rumple Minze, Goldschläger, Tequila, and Bacardi 151 — will rock the face off anybody who says Jäger isn't potent enough for them.
See recipe.
3. Bear Fight
The Bear Fight pins the classic Jägerbomb versus the Irish Car Bomb, and yeah, maybe save these until after the Jager haters have been converted because these are relatively hardcore.
See recipe.
4. Flaming Liquid Cocaine
If you can't win 'em over with flavor or booziness, try winning the haters over with spectacle. I.e. Flaming Liquid Cocaine Shots that'll ignite some passion for Jäger with flames, flavor, and lots of cocai–err colored layers.
See recipe.
5. The Jägerbomb
The Jägerbomb is the first half of the Bear Fight and the classic Jäger drink. If somebody's never tried Jäger, this has got to be their initiation drink into the world of herb- and spice-laden licorice-flavored booze.
See recipe.
6. Loch Ness Monster Shots
Add Irish cream and melon liqueur to Jägermeister and you have yourself some Loch Ness Monster Shots — they're so damn tasty whoever you're converting to the world of Jäger will have trouble believing they're real.
See recipe.
7. Jägerbomb Jello Shots
If somebody's talking smack about Jäger, simply take one of these Jägerbomb Jello Shots and shove it in their mouth. Then sit back, and watch as slurped Jello, Jäger, and cherries makes them fall in love (with Jäger, not you, sorry).
See recipe.
8. Reverse Jägerbomb
Oh, so the Jäger hater didn't dig the classic Jägerbomb 'cause of all that Red Bull? Try the Reverse Jägerbomb, which cuts down on the energy-drinkness and ups the Jäger factor.
See recipe.
9. German Chocolate Cake Shots
German Chocolate Cake Shots. Yeah, these will get the mouths of the Jäger faithless watering. These bad boys are so tasty you could basically have them for dessert.
See recipe.
10. Alligator Tail Shots
We have no idea why these colorful shots are called Alligator Tail Shots, but they're sweet, flavored with melon liqueur and grenadine, and guaranteed to entice Jäger skeptics with their bold colors.
See recipe.
11. Sex with an Alligator
OK folks, if the Alligator Tail Shots didn't do the trick, then Sex With An Alligator will. Err, wait. Then Sex With An Alligator Shots will. Make sure you don't confuse these two 'cause reptile-child support payments are outrageous.
See recipe.
12. Jägermeister Heaven
Combine Jägermeister and Irish cream and bang, you're in Jägermeister Heaven. This is a good place to start if you need a simple shot to neutralize and properly accommodate Jäger flavors to make it more palatable.
See recipe.
13. Meister on Mars
The Meister on Mars is so tasty it would even convert a Jäger hater from Mars. Although from what we hear, it's pretty big over there, along with mountains that look like faces and Matt Damon turd-potatoes.
See recipe.
14. Surfer on Acid Shots
Surfer on Acid Shots are classic, clean, refreshing, and perfect for a quick pre-gaming treat. Jäger haters, just try one of these and tell us they don't taste better than the color gold or the sound of rain. (That's an acid joke for all you straight-edge folk.)
See recipe.
15. Blonde Headed Slut Shots
Here's a little twist on the Redheaded Slut Shot, the Blonde Headed Slut Shot. If the Readheaded Slut didn't do the trick, then the Blonde will. Or so we've been told...
See recipe.
16. Zombie Brains Shots
Yes, these Zombie Brains Shots look weird as sh*t, but they're just as tasty as they are weird, and sometimes a little weirdness is all you need to convince somebody to try some Jäger.
See recipe.
17. Bong Water Shots
Finally we have these Bong Water Shots, 'cause if none of these other shots worked, why not go with something that sounds super gross? Maybe those stubborn-ass Jäger haters are really just fetishists for nastiness and they need something that sounds (although doesn't taste) truly disgusting.
See recipe.
What do you think about these Jägerbombs and Jäger shots? Could any of these convert the Jäger hater in your life? Let us know in the comments!

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