Here's something we know is going to be pretty damn divisive among the Tipsy crowd, but seems like an interesting topic that should be explored: The "pro-science resistance" organization 314 Action and the scientifically inclined D9 Brewing Company are trying to help the victims of the recent Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting, and also promote research into gun violence with a new line of beer dubbed 314 Action Ale.  At first glance, it may seem pretty odd for a beer company and a pro-science organization to team up, let alone try to change the conversation about gun violence, but D9 Brewing is pretty special in that it was founded by two engineers and a doctor, and takes a strictly scientific approach toward producing high-quality crafted ales. 314 Action is also unique in that it's heavy into politics with its efforts to give scientists more political power by putting them into office. 

Celebrate Pi Day by supporting science! Today we're announcing our partnership with science advocacy group @314Action by releasing a very sciency (technical term) ale! • #science #ripstephenhawking #piday #happybdayeinstein #sciencebeer #ncbeer #d9brewingco

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In terms of what this particular brew line will do with regards to helping to mitigate the problem of gun violence in the U.S., all proceeds that come from the sale of these beers — which also celebrated Pi Day — will go toward The Stoneman Douglas Victims' Fund. Sales of this particular beer will also help to support a campaign that's raising awareness of The Dickey Amendment, a legislative provision that denies funding for research into gun violence at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).  In terms of how we feel about this effort to combine beer and politics, it's really hard to say how this will play out. A lot of alcohol companies have been using their products to get a little political lately, and the results have been mixed. But obviously helping victims of violence with proceeds that come from alcohol sales is a Tipsy mitzvah, and we wouldn't mind at all seeing more of that happening in the future. 
If you want to buy some 314 Action Ale, you can do so here What are your thoughts on the intersection of beer and politics? Are you happy to see this kind of collaboration? Let us know in the comments. 

Images: D9 Brewing Company / 314 Action

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