Daddy’s Home 2 Bomb Shot Celebrates Movie’s Star-Studded Cast
Daddy's Home 2 will be out on Digital and Blu-ray on February 20, and to commemorate this papa-licious occasion we've made a cocktail that'll satisfy fans of every character in the film — except for Griff, that dude would just want a whiskey neat in his honor. So whether you're team Brad-Don or team Dusty-Kurt, this crazy Daddy's Home 2: Hot Cocoa Bomb Shot has you covered (possibly in hot chocolate).
To make this cinematic bomb shot, you'll need a glass of (cooled) hot cocoa, as well as a shot of cinnamon whiskey, a shot of amaretto, and a shot of cake vodka. The hot cocoa represents Brad (Will Ferrell) because it's sweet and warm, the shot of cinnamon whiskey is Dusty (Mark Wahlberg) because it's hot and makes you tingle, the amaretto is clearly for Kurt (Mel Gibson) because it's smooth like a head of well-sculpted gray hair, and finally the cake vodka is Jonah (John Lithgow) because it's kind of a quirky flavor that wouldn't harm a soul — although it would make said soul nice and tipsy.
As far as why Jasmine is in the video, she doesn't really represent any characters in the film, but we needed a taste tester and maybe she could be in Daddy's Home 3? Mark Wahlberg, we imagine you're interested, give us a call.
If you're in the mood for watching Daddy's Home 2, we've embedded the trailer below. Do the bomb shot before watching for maximum viewing pleasure.
Do you think we nailed the vibe of Daddy's Home 2 with this bomb shot? Do you think Jasmine has the comedy chops to show up in the inevitable third installment of this happy little familial franchise? Let us know in the comments!

Images: Paramount Pictures

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