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Dirty Rocky Road Milkshake

Take a walk on the wild side with this decadent Dirty Rocky Road Milkshake, perfect for indulging your sweet tooth and inner rebel!

What You'll Need

Jack daniels whiskey
4 oz
1 splash
Rocky road ice cream
1 pint
Toasted marshmallows
2 large
Whipped cream


Milkshake Glass
Basic Bar Tools


Begin by toasting marshmallows, set aside
Blend Jack Daniels, milk, rocky road ice cream and toasted marshmallows until smooth
Decorate the inside of glass with chocolate syrup and pour mix inside
Garnish with whipped cream, chocolate syrup and sprinkles
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More About This Drink

DIRTY ROCKY ROAD MILKSHAKE 4 oz. (120ml) Jack Daniels Whiskey Splash Milk 1 Pint Rocky Road Ice Cream Sprinkles 2 Large Toasted Marshmallows Garnish: Sprinkles/Chocolate Syrup/Whipped Cream PREPARATION 1. Begin by toasting marshmallows, set aside. 2. Blend Jack Daniels, milk, rocky road ice cream and toasted marshmallows until smooth. 3. Decorate the inside of glass with chocolate syrup and pour mix inside. Garnish with whipped cream, chocolate syrup and sprinkles. DRINK RESPONSIBLY!

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